Friday, April 1, 2011

THE END -- It's No Joke

Writing languished with me for several days as I struggled to overcome a bit of writer's block regarding a fight scene that I had to write. For me, fight scenes are the hardest to write as I must have them carefully choreographed out in my mind before I even start writing. Other scenes such as dialogue I can just plunge into with an idea of what needs to be accomplished and where I am headed. I trust my characters to tell the story how they see it and experience it. Fight scenes, though, can be troublesome. However, I am pleased to announce that the novella that I have been working on regarding Mira and Valerio is finally done. I typed those beautiful two words, THE END, today, closing out with a bittersweet ending. I'm not sure how this story is going to be released or when. It will be available only electronically and I will keep you updated as to when you will be able to find it. It was nice to spend a little more time with Mira, though it was a struggle to write her past when I know so much about her future. However, I had been wanting to dig into her past with Valerio, as he is a very interesting character. Furthermore, I wanted to play with Mira in another time period. The word count came in a little lighter than I was expecting, but this is still the rough draft and it may grow just a little bit. Not too much, though. I think this was a good length for a short story. Not too long, but enough to give readers a good look at Mira and Valerio. In the meantime, I received some extremely good news earlier this week ... that I can't share just yet. Soon. I promise. What I can confirm is that while the Dark Days series has come to a close, I do have new books in the works. Just hang in there!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Will miss Mira greatly but am excited about new books in the works.