Saturday, March 12, 2011

Is Spring Finally Here?

I know that it's still too early to ask this question of the Cincinnati area, but is Spring finally here? After a moderate dusting of snow on Thursday, I woke this morning to sun-filled skies and 60-degree temperatures. Kids are running around the yards in jeans and T-shirts or riding bikes. I've thrown open a couple of the windows and turned off the heat to air out the house just a little bit. I want Winter to finally be gone. I need to be free of the grip of snow and frost and frigid temperatures. Winter just seemed to last too long here and I'm ready for the sun to finally return.

However, despite the nice weather, I've pulled the blinds in my office and I've settled in behind my computer to get some work done today. I have yet to decide on what project that I what to turn my attention to. I'm rotating between three books that I love almost equally and I have yet to decide which I should be working on. It also doesn't help that I'm toying with a short story idea. Someone at the recent book signing suggested a short story that I should write for Mira before the final book is released and some ideas are finally starting to congeal in my brain. I haven't made any final decisions yet. I'm hoping to make a decision soon. We shall see.

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