Monday, January 26, 2009

Skin and Bones

I've recently been posting what I'm listening to at the time of working on the blog entry. Right now, I'm locked on a song that I could probably listen endlessly to for hours. There's just something haunting and enthralling about it. It's "Skin and Bones" by the Foo Fighters. If you haven't heard it yet, the song has been posted on my MySpace page.

The song reminds me of one of the characters from the Dark Days Series, and it makes me really sad. There's actually a couple songs tied to this particular character that make me sad. The other one in particular is "I Remember" by Stabbing Westward, but that has to do with events later in the series.

If you haven't heard the song, check it out. It definitely worth a listen, or two, or ten….

In a slightly related way, I looked over my New Year's Resolutions recently to realize that I'm not exactly keeping up with the blog like I should. I'm trying. I'll get better.

The other problem is that I haven't been making friends with my treadmill. But I made up for it on Sunday. It's time to get down to brass tacks. I made up a spreadsheet and marked off the weeks. I've got a limited about of time to lose my desired amount of weight before the April Romantic Times Booklovers Convention. The rule now is that if I'm not living behind the laptop working on Book 4, then I need to be working on the treadmill. Netflix is just gonna have to go on hold.

Wish me luck and someone eat some chocolate for me.

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