Tuesday, December 23, 2008

An Interview

I am such a bad blogger. I apologize for not being around more often. I wish I could blame it completely on the Book 3 edits, but they haven't been taking up ALL of my time, like they should.

I am happy to report that I completed two new kick-ass chapters over the weekend. They expand a subplot between Mira and Barrett, the Alpha of the Savannah lycanthrope pack. I think it worked out really well, added a smidge more action, and showed exactly how manipulative Mira can really be. She's not always a good girl, particularly when there's something that she wants.

In the meantime, I'm planning to delve back into my edits tonight after a break last night (exhaustion won out over the need to edit). If I'm lucky, I'll be able to get three chapters edited tonight, since I don't think the next three need a lot of heavy work.

One concern that my editor brought up is that she is worried that I am making Mira too powerful. I will admit that that is a constant concern for me for a couple reasons. The stronger Mira becomes, the stronger I have to make the villains, until the whole thing just becomes ridiculous -- which I'm trying to avoid. The other reason is that the stronger that Mira becomes, I think the more out of touch she becomes with her sense of humanity. And if Mira loses her humanity, then I think she truly does become the monster that she fears she is. While we might head down that road eventually, it's far too early in the series to create such havoc now.

What else am I forgetting? I have gotten the chance to see the cover for Book 3 and it is positively heavenly. Beautiful. Wonderful. Perfect. I really wish I could show it to you, but I can't. I wish I could show you the cover for Dayhunter, but I can't. Soon. I promise. I thinking sometime in February I will be allowed to show off the cover for Dayhunter, which is also very awesome.

Oh, if you're in the New York area in the beginning of February (6-8), I will be attending Comic-con. It will be my first Comic-con and I am very excited and nervous. I will be attending with Kim Harrison, Vicki Petterrson, and Jeaniene Frost to my knowledge. I'm such a lucky girl!

Don't forget that I'll also be attending the Romantic Times Convention in Orlando, Florida in April.

Finally, one extra little bonus for the day. I completed an interview with Harry Markov over on Urban Fantasy Land. I talk about me, writing, the series, and just the general everyday stuff that makes me special. Be sure to stop by and check it out. I thought it turned out really well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jocelynn,
Just read your interview in Urban Fantasy. It was really great and you didn't give away any secrets (darn)! I'm in the middle of Nightwalker myself and I'm already looking forward to Dayhunter (grin). Your book is getting harder to find by the way. I saw it at the bookstore, and when I went back to pick it up, it was all sold out (congrats)! I went into another bookstore and got the last copy they had! I plan on doing a review on my blog of Nightwalker(I try not to use spoilers). If you can recommend any other books in the genre, I'm always looking to expand my author list.