Friday, October 25, 2013

The I-Finished-Another-Book Contest

I would like to celebrate the fact that I have finished the rough draft of Gage’s final book.  I’m not too broken up over it because I still have a few months of work ahead of me.  I’m not saying good-bye to the tattoo artist just yet. 
I would also like to celebrate the fact that I have completed what I believe is my 12th book.  Can you believe it?  12 books.  That’s a whole lot of freaking words.
Of course, if you’ve read my books, you’re suddenly thinking that I no longer know how to count.  Let’s go through it:
Dark Days:
Asylum Tales:
Untitled Book 3
Fantasy novel #1
Historical Romance #1
Historical Romance #2
And then you can throw in all the novellas I’ve completed:
Secret Historical Romance Novella
I’ve got to say that it’s not a bad list!  And I’ve still got lots of stories ahead of me.
So to celebrate the completion of another book, I will give away one of my published stories to 3 winners.  If it is available in print, I will sign it and ship it to you.  If it only available as an e-book, I will send you a Kindle or Nook copy.  The only catch is that the book has to have been released in some form (you can’t have the unpublished stories).
Leave me a comment telling me your favorite Halloween candy.  I will pick the winners on Thursday, October 31.


Virginia said...

Candy corn! I know it's just sugar and wax, but I can't help how much I love it. Plus, you can melt it down and make homemade Butterfinger bars, so double the fun!

Sin Dee Anna said...

I LOVE the Carmel Apple suckers made by Tootsie. They are the perfect combination of sweet and somewhat salty and are the portable/anytime version of my fall favorite - carmel covered apples. They just scream fall to me. Even as a child my favorite house to trick or treat at was the lawyer who gave out carmel or candy covered apples. Mmmmmm.

Unknown said...

Snickers are the bomb!

mariesm said...

My favorite is now the new candy corn flavored M & M 's ...

Dawn C said...

I grew up in a very small town (less than 800 people). On Halloween, one elderly lady gave out homemade popcorn balls. So delicious!!

Elaine G said...

My favorite Halloween candies are Rockets (Smarties in the US)

CrystalGB said...

I like Milky Way and Snickers. :)
Congrats on finishing your book. :)

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm! Candied (not caramel) apples made with Granny Smith apples.

Kathryn Farrago said...

Nestles Crunch bars definitely!

Unknown said...

Anything and everything chocolate, especially chocolate caramel swirled apples. Love this time of year.
Congrats on finishing the book. I can't wait to read it.


Ailsa said...

One of the neighbours in the tiny village I grew up in would always run games in their conservatory. Something they did was hook up a piece of string with a clothes peg on one end that ran through a pulley at the ceiling, and down to their hand. They'd peg a doughnut on the end, and then wriggle the string around while you tried to catch the doughnut in your mouth. So, I know they aren't specifically Halloween-ish, but doughnuts like that that we'd fought for! :)

Bethany C. said...

I like Twix. Too much.

Puddin Pie said...

Crispy Crunch! Its the only time of year I eat it and I pick every one of them out of the candy mix. :D

Barbara Stephenson said...

hmmm anything chocolate!

rj0711 said...

Definitely snickers...or really anything chocolate!

Danielle D said...

Mini Peanutbutter Cups!!!

Unknown said...

Mini M&M's!

David Robin said...

As much as I liked many different candies, the Sartees were always my favorites.

bn100 said...

Hershey bars

bn100candg at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Gummy bears. I love them, especially the sour ones

Anonymous said...

Kit Kat and Twix are my favorites. Thanks for the opportunity and congratulations on finishing Gage. Can't wait to read it.

Unknown said...

$100,000 bars and anything milk chocolate. I just started reading your books and they are great! Your words rock.

Theresa Materazzi said...

Candy corn, both types! I know but it's great alone and on cupcakes. Love all of your series, so addicted!

Jessica said...

I was born and raised in Cinci. My uncle worked at golf metal all his life. Every Halloween he would get out the cotton candy machine and let all the kids from the neighborhood get their own cotton candy. Yummy!

Jolene and Family said...

Mini Baby Ruths! Those are my favorites and my kids learned at a very young age to hide those immediately. Mommy goes on a search through their baskets when they go to bed and if they missed one, it goes straight to my tummy :)

Serena DeNardo said...

Mary Jane's. The danger of eating one from a stranger because they were never well wrapped added to the danger of losing a tooth puts these at the top of my list. The fact that no one likes them, so I don't have to share = bonus. Oh!! But they are sooo delicious!!!

1angel1marie1 said...

Peanut butter kisses!! You know those candies that have the orange and black wrappers?? Love them!!

pagangell at gmail dot com

minnie said...

Three Muskateers are my favorite light and fluffy so you can eat 2 or 10.

Unknown said...

Peanut M&Ms! I usually always have a box around in October.

Denise Z said...

What wonderful accomplishments and kudos on finishing this most recent work. I love chocolate in all forms, if it has chocolate in it, it speaks my name on the wind calling to me. Last night we picked up some for the trick-or-treat goblins and ghouls, cough cough, they are mini Kit-Kats and Snickers ;) Wishing you Happy Halloween and much joy in the upcoming editing process; looking forward to the read.

A.Meyers said...

The bags of minis are my favorite :) kit-kats, snickers, 3 musketeers, whoopers, milky ways. Skittles, Starbursts, Sweetarts. Mmmm *grin* love your books!!!

Unknown said...

Candy Corn and popcorn balls. One because it is pure sugar the other because you taste it for a long time because it gets stuck in your teeth,

Unknown said...

Now I am craving KitKats, but a more Halloween only candy would be the Candy Corn.
Happy Halloween!

Have really enjoyed the Gage, Bronx and Trixie stories so far. Look forward to reading the next.