Sunday, July 10, 2011

Live Chat

I've had a rough start to the day. I've noticed that I'm taking on vampire-like sleeping hours. I didn't fall asleep until sunrise and slept until nearly 4 pm. I thinking of investing in some sleeping pills just to get my sleep schedule back on track.

In the meantime, I've got lots going on!

A new interview has been posted and this has some really excellent questions!
Literal Addiction interview -- plus click here to read the rule for their giveaway.
Also, at 5pm Eastern time, I'll be part of a Live Chat. Click here to join in!

I will check to see if you can read a transcript later if you can't make it.

Also, I've got a new interview at Sizzling Hot Book with a giveaway and an awesome new scene that features most of the characters from Savannah. You don't want to miss it!

Finally, there's a massive new contest at Supernatural Underground!

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