Thursday, October 28, 2010

New Words

With BURN THE NIGHT back in the hands of my wonderful editor, I am chugging away on a pair of new book proposals. At the moment, I am happily typing away on the sample chapters that I am going to send in for one book. I think I have more than enough to send already, but I'm having too much fun working on it to stop just right now. Besides, I figure that more is always better.

At the moment, I am still trying to get back into the groove of writing new words after spending so much time working on revisions and old words. Yesterday, the writing felt a lot like pulling teeth. No one wanted to talk or cooperate. I knew what I wanted from the scene and where I wanted it to go, but the words were just stuck in my brain and wouldn't hit the screen. I'm hoping for better luck today as I have set the deadline that today is the last day for scene writing and tomorrow I must work on the synopsis. I hate writing a synopsis. That's something inherently painful about the whole process to me.

So, I have to clean up the sample chapters, write a synopsis, and tidy up the background information before this proposal is finished. For the second proposal, I just need to revise the sample chapters. With any luck, it should all be done by early next week and back in the hands of my agent for review.


Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

I have a feeling I won't like synopsis writing either! I know how I want my novel to go and where I want things to end. It's just a little on how they get there I never really know.

I know some of the journey, most of it, but I always get sidetracked with other things to add as well so the journey changes.

braukes said...

I know what you mean about writing synopses. Ugh. Hopefully the words flow easier today.
Burn the Night is one step closer to being on my bookshelf. Yay!