Monday, October 18, 2010

Last Chapter

This is just another drive-by blog to say that I am finally healthy again, but my head is down while I finish the last of the revisions for BURN THE NIGHT. The book is turning out to be significantly longer than any of the previous books and longer than I had even anticipated. I had thought it would be closer to 125,000 words, but now I think that 130,000 words might be more accurate. But that's okay. That's just more Mira and Danaus to love, right?

I absolutely have to finish the book tomorrow and I am on the final chapter as we speak. I won't finish the last chapter tonight because I need a little more time to think about it.

In the meantime, I have seen the "final" version of the cover for BURN THE NIGHT and it is AWESOME! If you liked the covers for the first three books, it is more similar to those than the last two covers. I do believe this one is now my favorite. Sorry, I can't show it yet, but hopefully in the early spring.


Wierdlings said...

She's a tease! ::whine:: More Danaus and Mira to love?! ::swoon:: Thanks so much Jocelynn!

Juliana Stone said...

Jocelynn it was very cool to meet you in New York. I'm glad you're almost done this book! congrats! Funny thing, I got a sneek peek at my next cover too. It's so nice having something new to stare at!

kim said...

all i gots to say is YES YES YES can't wait just stinks that its such a long wait but it will be worth it in the end :0)

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better! And now I really REALLY can't wait to see this cover!! Of course after I see it, I'm going to want to read it like yesterday! ;)

Sharon S. said...

glad to hear you are feeling better. The ick hasn't gotten to our house, yet. When it comes to books, longer is always better . Looking forward to finding out where Danaus and Mira end up next.