Sunday, August 8, 2010

Contest Insanity

You know those annoying commericials where someone comes on complaining about being overstocked with items and that they're slashing prices for your benefit only if you run, not walk, run down to take advantage of these once in a lifetime deals?

Yeah, I kind of feel like that right now. I've been sent boxes of books recently and started collecting books from my backlist with the idea that I was running low. I like to keep a nice stock of books for contests. Well, I've got boxes everywhere and it's become treacherous just walking into my office.

So, you're the ones that are going to benefit from the insanity! I've got to start giving away these books just so my office doesn't feel so cluttered. You know, so I can clutter your reading library. Mwahahahaha!

Okay, so here's how it's going to go. I'm going to give away one mega-prize, which is my entire backlist signed. That's Nightwalker, Dayhunter, Dawnbreaker, Pray for Dawn, Wait for Dusk, and the anthology Unbound. The winner will also receive magnets and a small poster of Pray for Dawn that I received while at the RWA conference. I think that's a pretty good prize pack!

But wait! There's more! I will give away three signed pairs of Pray for Dawn and Wait for Dusk along with magnets.

And finally, I am giving away three signed copies of Wait for Dusk along with magnets.

The contest is open to international and domestic readers. Please leave a comment in this blog entry. The contest ends on Sunday, August 15 and I will announce the winners on Monday, August 16. The winners will have one week to contact me. Don't leave your email address -- just a name.

The winners will be drawn by random number. The first winner drawn will win the mega-prize, the next set of winners will be awarded the two-book set, and the final set of winners will be awarded the Wait for Dusk prize.

If you win a book that you already own, please use the pay it forward program. Give your gently read book to someone who might like the series and you keep the signed copy.

Are you interested? I thought so. Leave a comment and join the fun!


Unknown said...

I'm interested:) Love reading your books..always looking forward to the next one.

Vanetta Quintana said...

OMG! You know I am all over this! I would love to win this for my Daughter! Her Birthday is next month and this would be a great gift for her! Please enter me in! OBTW... it was great meeting you in Boonsboro!

Nicole said...

Yes Please sign me up!!! I love your books!!

Nicole said...

You're awesome! I don't mind at all if you were to clutter (even more than it already is) my office/bookshelves!! Thanks for running such an awesome contest!

~Nicole P

Tawania said...

Wow!! I am totally interested in winning this contest! I love your books, and this is very generous of you. Thanks :))

Wicked Readings by Tawania

Anonymous said...

I am definitely interested! Count me in!



Elaine G said...

Great giveaway. I'm interested,
please count me in

Spat said...

Heck yes I'm interested!! Count me in!!


Digital Sinner said...

Clutter my library! PLEASE!!! :)

~Tammie Seaborne

Dani said...

Count me in Please! I´d love to win something! Jaz.parks!

speciesamused said...

The struggles of Danus and Mia.
Such a delight...............

Anonymous said...

Oh the insanity!... Enter me please, I'd be happy to clutter up my shelves some more! ;-)

Unknown said...

Excellent ! I would love to win copies of your books. They great reading. I have read them all.

Anonymous said...

Please sign me up and thank you for such a great contest!

Lillie (AliseOnLife) said...

Please count me in as part of the giveaway. I can always make room somewhere on my bookshelf! :)

Unknown said...

I love reading your books.I would love to be entered in the contest. I can't wait for the next book.

Raonaid Luckwell said...

Jocelynn hun, you are free to clutter me with books. I would not mind at all. The hubs may but, but, what does he know! LOL

But yeah I am a firm believer of pay it forward with owned books, especially when I win the books signed. I always know friends, especially ones I know who'd like them if they read it. I've done that with my Lori Handeland and Larissa Ione books.

Cool contest

Anna K. N. said...

count me in!!!

Scott Romanski said...

Very Cool Contest Jocelynn!!

Anonymous said...

I'm totally interested!! I LOVE READING!!! Thank you so much for giving us a chance to win books!!

- Kaitlyn V.

Emmi said...

Oh, I want to take part, too. :) Sounds great!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up, I can always use some more book clutter. Trisha K.

ChariDee said...

Ooh, I'd love to win! I could definitely use with more books that are signed and would gladly give my gently used ones to some one (I've already bought multiple copies for family)!

Mandy said...

sounds amazing! Please count me in :)

Vickey r said...

Yes I'm very interested in this contest pleaseenter me thank you


Jackie said...

Are you kidding!?!? YES, PLEASE! :)

mrsj said...

Mega contest.. must try my luck!!

Jacqueline C. said...

Wow! Thanks for the awesome contest :)

YzhaBella's BookShelf said...

WOW WOW WOW! This is an awesome contest! Thank you sooooooo much! Woot Woot

Have a great day every one!
Kate (aka YzhaBella's BookShelf)

Unknown said...

I am in! Please enter me into the contest! -- Anje Campisi

KittNLuv said...

OMG! Jocelynn You are a GoDdeSS!! This is an aWeSOmE contest!I'm totally interest, so please count me in!!

lingeorge said...

Yes, please clutter my library! I would so love these books written by you.

Jamie Atkinson said...

I would totally dig that. I love your books. Some of the best Vampire stuff to come out in a long time. Jamie

Anonymous said...

I would use the pay it forward idea except I've already either bought copies for my friends or talked them into buying their own LOL!

Hmmm...I'm sure I can always find someone else who would like my old copies. But then, when I want to reread theses stories will I want to read the signed copies, or keep them pristine?

Being a book nerd is tough, but it's a dilemma I can live with!

Steve Gatlin

Unknown said...

Thats so kind of you to do this!! Please add my name to the pot!

Claire (Cem) said...

Wow, awesome contest! Thanks for offering so much! Would love the signed books and swag, count me in!

Miranda said...

Awesome!! I just finished Wait for Dusk!! WOW!! Can't wait for more!!


Jennifer said...

I would love to win this! Please enter me in the contest.


I am very interested in winning one of your books!! Tomorrow morning, I am going to my favorite bookstore and I am going to buy Nightwalker and Dayhunter and Dawnbreaker. I am going to read them right away and post my review on my Facebook page. Have a great Sunday!!

--Andrew G.

Wierdlings said...

YEAH! Contests!!! Count me in and ready to pass the Mira/Danaus goodness around!

Candace said...

I am definitely interested, even though I have a copy of all those books already. If I win I'll pass on my unsigned copies to others so that I can spread the love :)

midnightprincess said...

Woowoo!!! I'm in a million times!!! I love all your books! My favorite is Wait for Dusk.....You are an awesome author!!

Unknown said...

Yes, please enter me!

Liz T. said...

Wow! That is quite a contest! Please sign me up!

Laurie Lamb said...

Now that is a mega-prize! How awesome. Thanks for the great contest.

Laurie Lamb

Jax Marshall said...

winning would be awesome. i just finished pray for dawn and am getting wiat for dusk on wed. i love your books.

StacyUFI said...

Count me in :)

Cherry said...

OMG! *drooling over the prize packs* Please count me in!!

Re-posted your contest at:


Cherry Mischievous

Anett said...

I love your books. I'm sooooo in. =))


Anett (Norway)

susan60625 said...

Would I be interested in this contest? You bet!!!!! Please count me in! I love your books and the characters in them. Can't wait for more!

Amy A said...

Just finished #5...forced myself to keep putting it down towards the end, just to try and keep it from ending. lol - What an amazing read; I even got my BF hooked on them now ;0) Thanks so much J.D. Can't wait for the next one!

Kt Clapsadl said...

Ooo.. Please count me in :)
I already have two of your books signed (the rest are in ebook format), so if I won the mega prize pack, those would make a nice giveaway on my blog. ;)

Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

count me in! have to wait so long in ireland for the books!!!!

fingers crossed
susan harris

Barbara E. said...

What a wonderful giveaway, please count me in!

Alicia0385 said...

Oh heck yeah I am so excited about this giveaway!! Your rock lady!! I love reading all of your books!! Anytime I get new books that I already have I give my old copies to my sister!! I have been dying to get signed copies from you.

Thanks again!!

Bamafever said...

I love contest but not as much as I love the series. Good luck everyone!

Shell said...

OOO... Can't wait! Hope I win! *crosses fingers*

Poppy said...

Count me in too please!


braukes said...

Wow, this is the biggest, best contest ever. Count me in.

Unknown said...

yes please!! I'm working on rereading the series right now, it's my favorite!

Scorpio M. said...

Yes, I'm very interested! Thank you.

Carmen R said...

I would love to win. Thank you so much for posting this giveaway

BreiaB said...

I am definitely interested.Count me in.

Anonymous said...

i love ur books! but i haven't read Wait for dusk yet! ahh i need to win this contest! fingers crossed!
ashley rivera

Sara M said...

I'm definitely interested! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Sara M

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the contest! Please count this fan in.

Cassay C

Wicked Faerie's Tales and Reviews said...

OH yeah!!!!! I was just pulling out books for my vacation and your's are in the stack to take with me.


Alexia561 said...

Sweet! Please count me in!


Tracy said...

OMG!!! So interested...I love this series!

Cat said...

Great declutter idea! ha! ha! Love the pay it forward idea too. Please, pretty please count me in. I'm sure I can suffer through some clutter in my world.

Prô Diana said...

Oh! I'm a brazilian blogger and would love have your books published here.

Please, count me in!


Best wishes for you dear!

Scoot said...

Awesome! Thanks for hosting the contest! :)

Thanks, Scoot

Erika Powell said...

wow this is an amazing giveaway and I love your books!

Thomas said...

I would love to win any of these prizes for my darling wife...she has just been eating up the books lately. Thanks for giving them away.

Tina said...

Awesome!!! Thanks so much!!!

donnas said...

Awesome. I would love to be included. Thanks for the chance!

Donna S

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

Sounds awesome! :)

I love cleaning up and giving away books! Even better to receive them. :)

Unknown said...

Wow! Count me in! :)

mariska said...

I'm sooooo interested with this giveaways !

Make me one of the lucky winners :)

Aik said...

I'd love to join the fun! Thanks!

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Jennzah said...

yay! i love your books and i would love magnets and the two books i dont have! please count me in!

Kulsuma said...

Count me in please! I'd love to win these books!

Leslee said...

I am very interested!! :) That would be sooo cool!

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Oh wow! That's awesome! Even though I have some signed already ;) I could give them to my friends who have yet to read the series as xmas gifts! Count me in!

Unknown said...

Wow, fantastic giveaway, thank you so much, you are awesome! :-D

Beyond The Night Reviews said...

You can count me in. This is a wonderful contest.

ymiris said...

Such a great thing! I have most of your books but would LOVE the signed ones, and of course the neat swag of the mega prize! :D

Sharon S. said...

whoa! Sign me up!!!

Sharon S.

Jan and Al Schwartz said...

We just got into Bozeman and found a Barnes and Noble and jackpot we found the last 2 books of The Dark Days series. I am so glad we are seeing more into Danus.

Cathy Schaffer said...

A poster of Pray for Dawn? Yes, that is exactly what I need on my bedroom wall.

Please enter me!

Hope said...

Me! Me! For the love of God, pick me! : )

Cathie said...

Excited. I'm in!

Enchanted by Books said...

Awesome! I would love to win this series or even a couple books in the series. I've been wanting to read them for a long time. Sounds great!

CWilliams said...

This is a very cool contest!!! Love your books :)

CandaceB said...

What a wonderful contest! Thank you so much. Please include me.

TheWilsonZoo said...

Always looking for something new to read. Sign me up

GracieA said...

Please count me in! You run the best contests!!!!

Jason Macumber said...

Oh please count me in! I have been dying to read these books just haven't had the chance!

A'lina said...

Wow Jocelynn this is so cool! As you know I already have a signed copy of Wait for Dusk but it would be awesome to have a whole set signed!

Luna said...

I'm in

Midnight Butterfly said...

Count me in

Sue S. said...

Sounds awesome! So many chances to win! Thanks Jocelynn!!

Unknown said...

Who wouldn't be interested.
Oh my goodness.
Counting down the days till Amazon delivers my copy of Wait for Dusk, as I haven't as yet read the last so I could enjoy both together...the wait is killing me.

Unknown said...

oh my! This is awesome, so many people would love some of your insanity. so cool!

sunsmile073 said...

Please sign me up!!!

Shaindy Julie said...

This post made my day! Please enter me into the contest!

Sweetleafleneah said...

Lauren Sage

Coutn me in please! Love your books!

Sheena said...

I LOVE YOUR BOOKS! I haven't gotten Wait For Dusk yet, but I would Love the chance to win it.

-Sheena J. or Violet B. Either one is good!

EVA SB said...

Wow yes of course I'm interested. This contest is brlliant maybe insane too but brilliant.

Audrey said...

Just finished your latest. Loved it!! As always, can't wait for more!

Carrie S. said...

WOW! That's a LOT of books! I'm in!

Aik said...

I'd love to enter! Thanks!

Cathy M said...

I love contest insanity! Thanks for sharing your books with us, Jocelynn.

DarkDeacon said...

I love your books, can't wait for the next one

Debi Murray said...

What a fab idea! Thanks Jocelynn.

Debi Murray

Remi F said...

I have loved reading the nightwalker series. And I can totally think of some good friends to pass along books to! Thanks for the contest Jocelynn!

Serena DeNardo said...

YES! Interested!!!! LOVE this! I could giveaway my books instead of suggestinr them :) Cant wait to get the latest book!

Anonymous said...

yes! I would love to win!


Raven said...

What a contest!
I vant my preshus!

Ki said...

I'm very interested! Love these books! Thank you Jocelynn!

NatarshaOz said...

Woo hoo!

Cheryl U. said...

Please enter me! I just finished your first book and am hooked!

Unknown said...

I would love to win this.. I have had the week from hell my grandmother pasted away and my mother-in-law has brain cancer. Thanks Tammy

Mandy P. said...

Awesome contest! Thanks! Love your books so of course i'd love to win!

Monica said...

ahh! that's amazing, I am super, super interested! This is my favorite series!

Unknown said...

Seriously?? Ya just feel free to unclutter yourself on me anytime :)
Send 'em to me please :)

Just_Me37 said...

This is a great contest :) I'd love to be entered. And kind of random but at the library I saw your books housed in the YA section

Elizabeth G said...

Hey, yes please sign me up!!! huge fan, would love to win ANYTHING!! Mira and Danaus forev!!! <3 <3

iokijo said...

You can clutter what I guess you could call my library "tiny as it is" any time you would like :) Mine is pathetic actually, a couple shelves that's pretty much it for print.. but I do have a good number of ebooks at my book shelf.. lol
Thanks for giving everyone a chance at your books.. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping to prove Friday the 13th can be a lucky day.

ferretvamp14 said...

Awesomeness! Thanks for the giveaway!

xMalicious_Punk_Plushiex said...

i wish to enter... ._.
[the name is Laura L.]

Jennifer K. said...

I would also like to throw my name into the ring for some awesome books! Just finished Pray for Dawn, and couldn't start Wait for Dusk fast enough. You have a wonderful gift!