On Tuesday, we tackled Hollywood Studios, which was pretty cool. Now,
don't get me wrong. The place is interesting, but it happens to be my least favorite of the four parks. The Rockin' Roller Coaster was AWESOME and I wish I had taken the time to ride it a second time. The Tower of Terror was also pretty doggone cool. However, by the end, it had messed with my heart a bit, so it's not a ride that I could ride too often. It was truly scary.
But beyond that, most of Hollywood Studios is shows, which are very good. I caught the Stunt Show and the Indiana Jones shows. However, I have to admit that when I go to an amusement park, I go for the rides, not the shows. But to each their own and for some, Hollywood Studios might be their cup of tea.
It is a very cool place, but for me, I wouldn't spend a whole day there. I think the best way to cover it is by getting a park hopper pass so that you can spend part of the day at Hollywood Studios and the last half of the day at another park. But again, that's just me.
Now, I am off to the Romantic Times Booklovers conventions. A quick check of the map reveals that the hotel is about ten minutes from the condo I am currently staying in. I'll be leaving in the early afternoon in an attempt to get checked in before my roommate (Rachel Vincent) arrives. I know that a number of people are already settled into the hotel and have located the hotel bar. I plan to join them as quickly as possible. That's where all the good conversations are being hashed out and thrown around.
Wednesday is going to be a light day. I'll go scouting, get a lay of the land, and catch up with some friends. On Thursday, the work begins with a panel, a radio show, and an evening mixer, where I believe I will be signing books. Friday, the plan is to go AWOL with my agent, while Saturday is the massive signing and a little decompression. From my experience at other conferences, there will be lots of coffee consumed and a splash of alcohol. I don't handle huge crowds in small places too well, so the caffeine keeps me upbeat while the alcohol helps to mellow me out at the end of the day. I know, I know, not very healthy, but it's only for a couple days.
I do have a little other news. This is just a quick reminder that Dayhunter is due for release in less than 6 short days. Have you ordered your copy yet? Made plans to run down to the bookstore on the day of the release? Well, let give you a couple reasons.
At the risk of tooting my own horn, which I really don't mean to do, I am happy to report that a pair of really great book reviews were posted to the web yesterday about Dayhunter. I think both give an amazing overview of the book. Check them out if you want to know more about the book.
Their positive words have helped me breathe a sigh of relief in a way. There's a lot of new background information that comes out in Dayhunter and I'm really hoping that readers enjoy the new aspects of Mira's world.
Also, don't forget that if you haven't yet, HarperCollins has posted the first 5 chapters of Dayhunter if you want to get a headstart on the book.
Have fun at RT!
I am so envious! I've gone just to Epcot three times and long to go back to "visit" more countries! Also, I can't wait to read Dayhunter. I found the world very intriguing and unique which is increasingly more rare as paranormals become the "it" thing to write. Bravo!
Angel Gail Rose
I'm with you on the rides at amusement parks! Unless it's a unique show, or one in an air conditioned building on a 100 degree day, I'm generally not stopping to see any shows.
Have fun at RT!!
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