Monday, September 29, 2008

Discussion Is Open

I received a nice surprise in the mail the other day. I received a postcard from Iran. A winner of a copy of Nightwalker is from Iran and she was nice enough to send me a postcard thanking me for the book. I'm just stunned that my book has gotten that far in the world. It's cool to imagine my stories being read in some remote locations around the world.

In the meantime, I have finished the copyedits for Dayhunter and I'm shipping them back to my editor. At the same time, I will be shipping off a copy of my novella to my editor. That will pretty much clean off my plate for the time being, leaving me with only Book 3 to write.

In other news:

Are you looking for a place to discuss Nightwalker with other fans? During the month of October, I will be featured on Barnes & Noble's Paranormal & Urban Fantasy Book Club along with Jackie Kessler (where they will be discussing her latest book Hotter Than Hell) and Karen Chance (where they will be discussing Midnight's Daughter). Be sure to sign up and join in the conversation.

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