Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Muppet Weekend

It's break time from the edits. I've gotten through the first six chapters and have found only small typos. The only major changes I know that I have is the extension of one scene and the tweaking of the ending. There's going to be some other small additions throughout, but overall, it's going to be fairly easy.

I can't remember if I mentioned it, but my brother is tweaking my website again. Actually, he's totally redesigning it. We've both gotten a little tired of the black background and he's hoping to try a few new things as well as include some flash. That's the nice thing about having a designer who is still in school. As he learns new techniques and concepts, he gets to try them out on my site, making it this place that is constantly growing and evolving. I think we're aiming for a re-launch shortly before the release of Nightwalker.

Finally, for your amusement, I have included a random Muppet video. I needed a break from editing and one of my favorite things growing up was watching the Muppets on Saturday morning. Even after all these years, they still make me laugh with their twisted sense of humor. Enjoy!


FragileKitty said...

My roommate and I have watched the Muppet video several times now. I feel deprived I never watched them growing up.

Lori T said...

I remember watching the Muppets while growing up, too. They do just make you smile, don't they?

I am looking forward to checking out your updated is definitely a plus having a technologically blessed brother. I know because I have times I feel a bit sorry for him because he ends up helping all of us with our computer issues

Have a great weekend and I am glad to hear the edits are going well.

Candace said...

16 days left!

And I can't wait to see the new site. :)

Christine said...

Mahnamahna!!! My favorite! :D

Jocelynn Drake said...

The muppets just seem to make everything better...