I'm a bad blogger... (smacks hand) Ouch! Not that hard.
Yesterday on the blog, I should have announced that several cool books have hit the shelves, but I forgot. Sigh.... I'm a bad blogger.
So, here is the post that I should have posted yesterday.
For the fans of
Kim Harrison's Rachel Morgan series, Book 6 -- The Outlaw Demons Wails has finally been released. The lovely Kim kicked off the launch yesterday with a signing in Charlotte, NC, and now she should be on the West Coast hitting a variety of cities on another whirlwind tour. I am happy to report that she is coming somewhat close to me April, so we will get to do some catching up.

According to Publishers Weekly: "Red-headed witch Rachel Morgan has a demon after her, but that's just one of her many troubles in this action-packed sixth installment of Harrison's Hollows series (after 2007's For a Few Demons More). A nice guy might be moving into Rachel's town and life, but she's still getting over her last boyfriend, whose murder she has yet to solve. Elf politician Trent Kalamack wants her to go to the ever-after on a dangerous mission. Rynn Cormel, Cincinnati's new master vampire and ex-leader of the free world, is interfering in her life. Her friend, former demon familiar Ceri, is unexpectedly pregnant, by an unexpected partner. On top of all this, Rachel worries she may have had a too close encounter with a vampire and soon becomes concerned about her own abilities with demon magic. With the help of her feisty mother, Alice, and her pixy partner, Jenks, Rachel boldly tackles every challenge amid a cascade of plot twists that will delight Harrison's fans."
Another book that came out yesterday is Anton Strout's Dead to Me. I've been hea
ring good things about this one and I've got it on order from Amazon.com.

"Psychometry-the power to touch an object and divine information about its history-has meant a life of petty crime for Simon Canderous, but now he's gone over to the good side. At New York's underfunded and (mostly) secret Department of Extraordinary Affairs, he's learning about red tape, office politics, and the basics of paranormal investigation. But it's not the paperwork that has him breathless. After Simon spills his coffee on (okay, through) the ghost of a beautiful woman-who doesn't know she's dead-he and his mentor plan to find her killers. But Simon's not prepared for the nefarious plot that unfolds before him, involving politically correct cultists, a large wooden fish, a homicidal bookcase, and the forces of Darkness, which kind of have a crush on him. "
And finally, how about some zombies? There simply aren't enough zombie books in the world, but Mark Henry appears determined to fill the void. Happy Hour of the Damned is about:

"Seattle. One minute you're drinking a vanilla breve, the next, some creepy old dude is breathing on you, turning you into a zombie. And that's just for starters. Now, the recently deceased Amanda Feral is trying to make her way through Seattle's undead scene with style (mortuary-grade makeup, six-inch stilettos, Balenciaga handbag on sale) while satisfying her craving for human flesh (Don't judge. And no, not like chicken.) and decent vodkatinis.
Making her way through a dangerous world of cloud-doped bloodsuckers, reapers, horny and horned devils, werewolves, celebrities, and PR-obsessed shapeshifters--not to mention an extremely hot bartender named Ricardo--isn't easy. And the minute one of Amanda's undead friends disappears after texting the word, "help" (The undead--so dramatic!) she knows the afterlife is about to get really ugly.
Something sinister is at hand. Someone or something is hellbent on turning Seattle's undead underworld into a place of true terror. And this time, Amanda may meet a fate a lot worse than death... "
Okay, my friends. These are some great reading ideas to get you through the long months until my book is finally released (he he....), but it will be a while before I get to chance to do any fun reading. No one better pop by and drop any spoilers on me! Try it, and I'll send Mira to hunt you down. Trust me, you don't want than nightwalker to appear on your doorstep....
I am so looking forward to reading them all! I just don't know when. I need a copy of myself to handle the reading part!
I get my copy of ODW next week! I can't make it to a signing on Kim Harrison's book tour, so I ordered it from a bookstore back home, they're getting it personalized for me, and then mom is going to pick it up and ship it to me priority! So I'm not reading any reviews, for fear of spoilers (I'm afraid my eye caught one spoiler, in that same review that you posted) and I'm waiting impatiently. Happy Hour of the Damned also sounds pretty good; it's been getting really great reviews. :) (And speaking of reviews, I still haven't sent in my review about Emissaries of the Dead to Eos... oops...)
It's almost March! That means what, four or five months left until your book is out?! WOO-HOO!
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