Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Free Reads for The Asylum Tales

I'm back up in Madison, Wisconsin doing a little apartment hunting today, but I'm taking a quick break to give you some great links that you need to check out.  As I am sure you know, I have a new series that is kicking off this year summer.  It's a new world and completely new characters from my previous series. 

I can understand if you have some reservations about dipping a toe into a new series, so let me help you with some free reads. 

This brief article will introduce you to my main storyteller Gage and his town.

Do you need something sweet? Need to grab a drink? Want to know a great place to get some fresh ink? Gage can help you. All the places listed in Gage's tour appear in either The Asylum Interviews: Bronx, The Asylum Interviews: Trixie, or Angel's Ink. The quick tour is a great way to get a glimpse at some of the strange places that the series will visit. To read the tour, go to All Things Urban Fantasy.

And then, not too long ago I conducted a series of interviews with the main chracters of the series:
Meet Gage at Literary Escapism
Meet Parker at All Things Urban Fantasy
Meet Bronx at Tynga's Reviews
Meet Trixie at A Great Read.
Meet  the warlock Gideon over at Larissa's Bookish Life.

Finally, I revisited Trixie to celebrate her upcoming novella, The Asylum Interviews: Trixie.  She gives even more background information into the The Asylum Tales world.  To read this newest interview, click here.

If these free reads have you convinced to give my new series a try, The Asylum Interviews: Bronx is available as an e-book for $1.99 now.  The Asylum Interviews: Trixie will be available on September 4 as an e-book.   And the first novel, Angel's Ink, will be available on October 16.

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