Monday, June 18, 2012

Website Relaunch

We have been busy!  With the upcoming release of a new series, I decided that it was time to redesign the website.  I didn't do the designing because I don't have a talent for it.  However, I did provide the content, because I'm pretty good at the whole writing thing. 

Would you like to read deleted scenes, short stories, and extra details for the Dark Days series?

Would you like to read new behind-the-scenes details for the Asylum Tales?

Would you like a complete list of all the places where you can find me?

Check out my newly redesigned site!

If you've contacted me about helping to promote the Asylum Tales, I will getting back to you today as I try to organize a blog tour for The Asylum Interviews: Trixie release in September. I'm also hoping to get some writing done. (Fingers crossed)

Also, just 15 more days until The Asylum Interviews: Bronx is released!  Fifteen more days until you get to step into Low Town!  I think you're going to love it! I can't wait! (I'm using too many exclamation points!!  Help!!)

Okay, I'm better now.  We've got two more weeks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the new series. Looking forward to reading it :0)