Friday, May 20, 2011


I thank whatever gods there may be, we finally have sunshine. After five consecutive days of dark, dreary skies and cool temperatures, I can finally step outside my door and stand in the warm light. While I accept that May brings spring showers, the weather we've been having is verging on the ridiculous. I am ready for some sunshine.

But you didn't stop by to hear me whine about the weather. You would like some updates and general randomness from me. I am hoping to get a couple hours of work done today before I have to run out to get a birthday present for my niece. I will be attending her birthday party this weekend to celebrate her first birthday.

I haven't decided whether I will work on the book today or work on the stack of interviews and guest blogs that are waiting for me. I am leaning toward the interviews since I have worked a new chapter into my plot outline and I need to think some more about the new information that is going to unfold. On the other hand, I am anxious to introduce a new character that will be somewhat different from what I have written in the past. Hmmm... decisions, decisions.

Elsewhere, I find that I am seriously considering going back to school. The bug bit me a couple days ago and now it is twisting around in my mind, burrowing deeper in the brain tissue like a worm burrowing toward the core of an apple. I miss college and the structure it offered. I missed the exposure to new literature. I need to improve my writing, but I am unsure of how to proceed without instruction. I also like the idea of potentially teaching creative writing to college students, passing along my experience and knowledge. My schedule is too busy for 2011-2012 with two books and three short stories, but maybe 2012-2013 will be better timing. That's assuming that the world doesn't end in the meantime.

Good luck with this weekend's potential Rapture. If you're left behind with me, I will make sure that someone at my publisher still releases Burn the Night on time. :)


Michelle (Ramblings of a BookCrosser) said...

I'm glad to hear there's a Burn the Night contingency plan for this weekend's Rapture. LOL! Nothing will stand between me and the Great Awakening on June 28! :)

Jocelynn Drake said...

That's awesome! Thanks so much. I would hate to deny readers of the conclusion of Mira and Danaus's story even should the Rapture come.