Monday, May 10, 2010

A Different Sort of Contest

It was an amazingly busy weekend. Friday, I had my appointment with my trainer then ate a late lunch before running off to see Iron Man 2 -- which I thought was awesome. I can't decide if I liked the first or the second one better. I would need to see both again for a better comparison. Afterward, a friend and I tried out a little bowling, which I haven't done in more years that I can count and it showed. My scores were embarrassingly low for me.

Saturday was a work day. I actually made some progress on the book, but not as much as I wanted as I need to rethink a scene that I'm working on. There's about to be a bunch of bloodshed, but I need to have it well organized in my head before I start typing. Afterward, we went to see the UFC fight at a local watering hole. They were all around excellent fights and I was quite pleased.

Sunday didn't work out quite as I planned considering that I got a late start. I was hoping to get some writing done. However, I first needed to go to the grocery to replenish my supplies. Afterward, it was off to my parents for a few hours to celebrate Mother's Day. By the time we got back, I was too tired to concentrate on writing. However, I did watch Ninja Assassin. An amazing movie if you can get past the buckets of blood. Beautifully shot and choreographed.

And today...? Well, I've got a gym appointment and then it's the book for the rest of the night. Time is ticking away and I need to get this thing done at long last.

But you're more interested in the contest that I mentioned in the title. At the RomanticTimes Booklovers Convention, my publisher was handing out e-ARCs of Pray for Dawn. These are electronic book versions of Pray for Dawn-- my publisher is no longer doing printed copies as far as I know. I managed to sneak a few copies for myself so I could give them away on my blog.

I have a few copies to give away, but there are some things you need to know.

1. These are uncorrected Advance Reader Copies. There will be typos.
2. They are electronic books. Not paper copies
3. These are NOT permanent books. They will expire after a time. It looks like they expire a week before Pray for Dawn is officially released on June 29.
4. They can be read on a Sony Reader, Nook, IREX, Plastick Logic, Astak, Bookeen, BeBook, COOL-ER, as well as on your regular Windows or Mac computer

While there are a lot of strange stipulations and rules to these, keep in mind that Pray for Dawn doesn't come out for more than month and this is a chance to read it early. In addition, the winner will also get access to Pamela Palmer's new book Rapture Untamed.

The winners will receive a card in the mail with instructions on how to download the books.

If you are interested in receiving an e-ARC for Pray for Dawn and Rapture Untamed, please leave a comment below. The contest closes at midnight on Thursday, May 13. The contest is open to International readers. I will announce the winners on Friday, May 14. The winners will have one week to contact me before I pick a new winner.


Anonymous said...

rOf course I am interested...somehow I miss the e-ARCs at RT.

StacyUFI said...

I am beyond interested :) Thank you for the chance.

Donna said...

*raises hand & waves fanatically* Me! Definitely interested.

Thank you for this grand contest. :)

Rachel498 said...

This is awesome. Id love to enter.

MrsMixx said...

Me me me!! I would love an E-ARC of Pray for Dawn! *bouncing* I am crossing all my fingers and toes *g*

Claire (Cem) said...

Count me in! Would love to read it early!

AlexandRia said...

not really into e-books, but e-arcs? I cant pass up. Thanks for the contest Jocelynn


Unknown said...

Count me in! Although I'll be picking up a copy of Pray for Dawn in print, because, damn, it already has a spot saved on my keepers shelf!

Thanks Jocelynn!

Dottie :)

Christine said...

Oh, yes, please do sign me up. I'm dying to read this book!

Brenda Hyde said...

*waving my hand like an idiot* I am very interested. I will read it on my laptop and not complain at all. Not one little bit.

I hope the UFC fight inspired you on the bloodshed scene you are trying to figure out. I have Ninja Assassin coming from Netflix. I was hoping it was good.

Kt Clapsadl said...

Would love to get the advanced copy!

Unknown said...

Oh I would be so excited to read it early!!!

Unknown said...

Totally intersted in an eARC. Luck be with me.


GracieA said...

Count me in! Thanks!

Cathy M said...

My Sony reader and I would love a first peek.

Unknown said...

Hooray for e-ARCs :) Would LOVE for a chance to read it early! I'm dying watching that widget go down. Go faster! lol. :) Count me in for this contest :)

midnightprincess said...

Yay. I am so interested. This is huge...for me. Thanks for the contest Jocelynn. psssssst....pick moi.

Anonymous said...

yes!! Yes!! Yes!!
Alena F.

Jenna Lim said...

oh, pls include me for this contest

soup na(t)zi said...

My life would be complete if I read this book early :)
Fingers and toes crossed! eeee!

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

I'm very interested. :)

P.S. - I couldn't see the comments because they are in black text against mostly black background! :(

Spat said...

I'd love to win!!!

Elaine G said...

please count me in..I want this something fierce.And read it on my new ereader :)

Candace said...

I'm interested! Please enter me into the contest!

Nat said...

I'd love to be entered! :)

Colin S. said...

My wife keeps talking about this series. This would be perfect because if i win, it's just in time for her birthday. Thanks for having this contest.

Bob said...

Very Very interested, thanks for the chance.

Sofia Y. said...

Super super interested!!! :) My friend let me borrow her books and i couldn't put them down!