"The time has come, the Walrus said,
To talk of many things...."
It's Sunday and I'm finally conscious. So, I've rounded up the 100 entries that were received for the autographed copy of Mark Del Franco's Skin Deep, and placed it all into the ra
ndom number generator.

And the winner is:
who wrote on my Livejournal account
"Vicki :D"
Eilan/Vicki, please email me your name and address by Sunday, August 23 so I can get your book out to you. I can be reached at JocelynnDOTdrakeATgmailDOTcom. If I don't hear from you by August 23, the book will go out for another contest.
Speaking of which, today is the last day for KiaJG, the winner of Destined for an Early Grave, to contact me. Otherwise, this book will be put out for another contest very soon.
Also, don't forget to come back on Monday when I will have another fabulous contest for another stellar urban fantasy author.
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