Can I just say WOW? Seriously. Wow! You guys seriously impressed me with your excitement for the Unbound anthology and the swag that I'm giving away! This contest also made me a little sad since I don't have more copies to give away. Overall, there were 130 entries from both my Blogger and LiveJournal accounts. I plugged the number into the magical random number generator and the winner is:.JPG)
who wrote on my Blogger account:
"I'm in! I can't wait to read Unbound!
Bethany, you have until Saturday, August 29, 2009 to email me your name and mailing address. I can be reached at JocelynnDOTdrakeATgmailDOTcom. If I don't hear from you by Saturday, August 29, your prize will go out for another contest. So hurry and email me. The sooner I hear from you, the sooner I can mail out your prize!
Just as an update on prizes and other goodies, the contest for Rachel Vincent's Prey ends tonight. If you haven't entered yet, please scroll down to the appropriate blog entry and leave a comment!
Also, the winner of the Destined for an Early Grave by Jeaniene Frost never contacted me, so that book will be going out for another contest. Also, tomorrow is the last day for the winner of Skin Deep to contact me. If I don't hear from that person, that book is also going out for another contest.
There will be a new contest starting on Monday, and I will also be giving away more Unbound copies as I get them!
So what's this all mean to you? Stay tuned to this blog for more free signed goodies!!!
Congrats Bethany! Can I stalk you for your copy? :P Happy Reading
Congrats Bethany!
Too sad about the other winners not accepting their goodies!
Congrats Bethany! Happy Reading!
I'll be back for try again, too bad that some prizes are slipping away!
Dottie :)
Congrats Bethany
Congrats and Enjoy!
Hey Jocelynn!
I found my first sighting of Unbound in the wild, Walmart in Mattoon, IL already has it on it's shelves!
Dottie :)
I found Unbound on the shelves too! on August 20th at Walgreens!
I was just beside myself with happiness!
And at the same time, I felt like a cheater because I hand my hands on it all ready!
I'm not sure why Walgreens had it all ready but other book stores didn't. hhhmmm, i don't know how that works....
thanks everybody! I'm so excited! i've been sick for the past week and practically bed-ridden, so this is coming at a really perfect time! talk about the perfect medicine!
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