Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My Friend

The secret is out. (Okay … well … it wasn’t exactly much of a secret.) The good friend who came to town for business that I got to see for a little while also happens to be the illustrious Kim Harrison.

It was the first time we’ve been able to hang out since the RWA conference last July. It was nice to talk shop for a while (you know, complaining about looming deadlines, plot outlines that need to be created, and endings that must be re-written). It was also nice to just hang out with another writer in person. So much of what I do is online or over email. I’m not an extrovert people-person by any stretch of the imagination, but I do appreciate (on the rare occasion) being able to see a person’s expression when telling a funny story.

I was able to attend her book signing just north of Cincinnati last night and she had a great turnout. But, then again, Cincinnati loves Kim. I want to say a big “Hey!” to all the wonderful readers that I met last night at the signing. Thanks for stopping by the blog and/or web site. Be sure to check in every once in a while. We’re heading into official count-down territory. Nightwalker will be coming out soon! In May, I’m planning to give away a few cover flats and an ARC or two. (At the moment, I’m waiting for the cover to finally be released.)

Last night, I gave away a few promotional postcards and signed a couple autographs. Very cool. I was flattered beyond belief. Thanks, Star and Nakyla!


Jessica said...

I suppose that is one of the perks of being a writer...getting to know other writers. How cool that you are friends with Kim, she's super talented!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Plotter, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://plotter-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.

Candace said...

Sounds like you have a good time with Kim :) man, I wish I could visit over there and just poke around the city.

Jocelynn Drake said...

Jessica: I have been very lucky in that I have met some amazing writers who also happen to be some of the sweetest, most generous, wonderful people. Kim is a great writer and a wonderful friend.

Freedom Star: Kim and I had a great time. I've lived in Cincinnati my whole life and I love trying to think of new spots for her to include in her books.


Harry Markov said...

Yeah! I am happy that you had a great time. I can only imagine how cool it is to be friends with Kim Harrison.

Star Joens said...

You are more than welcome! We enjoyed meeting you and absolutely cannot wait until your book comes out!

Unknown said...

I absolutley loved meeting you at Kim's book signing. I just hope we didn't bug you too badly. I can't wait for your book to come out!!

Anonymous said...

Well, damn. I was at this signing and I so missed meeting you. That's what I get for taking my 14 month (at the time) son along with me. :) He kept me more busy than anything else.