Friday, March 21, 2008

Book 2 Is Done

It's nearly one in the morning and I've been working off and on all day, but I am happy to report that Book 2 is finally done! I wrote more than 4,000 words today, with most of it going into the final fight scene. I know that the final fight scene still needs some work, but at least it's "down on paper."

From here, I will do one quick edit (something that will take less than two weeks) and then it will be shipped off to my lovely agent for the first viewing. After she gives me her thoughts, I will edit this bad boy right up until it is due to be sent into my editor at the start of May. For me, the editing process takes just about as long as it does to write the rough draft.

I promise that I will discus the process more and why this draft isn't technically the first draft of Book 2 later. Right now, I am crawling into bed where I plan to enjoy a very good night of sleep.

Oh, and for kicks. I discovered this image over on Keri Arthur's blog the other day. I simply fell in love with it. (Gee, I can't imagine why...) Have a great night and if I don't catch you again, have a great holiday weekend and a beginning of Spring.


Harry Markov said...

Good job! When will you start Book 3 and won't you be doing something interesting as a side project? Curious. Oh by the way I have a question directed towards you. I have started taking interviews from authors and well I want to ask whether you would like to take part in it?

Candace said...

Congrats! Do you already have a general idea of what you want book three to be like?

Small side note, HOORAY for spring break! I'm glad to be home :)

Jocelynn Drake said...

I would be happy to take part in an author interview.


Rachel Vincent said...

Yea for getting done!

And I love the image!r

Chandra Rooney said...


Edits are always as much work if not more than the first draft for me, too. Enjoy the rest before you start on yours. :)